Wednesday, 10 November 2010


How old are you?
[15-20] [21-25] 26-30] [31-40] [40+]

What type of newspaper do you liek to read?
[local] [national]

What type of news are you interested?
[sport] [life stories] [cartoon] [classified]

how often do you read newspapers?
[daily] [weekly] [monthly] [yearly]

How much would you spend on a newspaper?
[10p-30p] [31p-80p] [81p-£1.50] [£1.50+]

What 3 in this list are most important to you in a newspaper?
TV Listings

Which do you prefur?
[Broadsheets] [Tabloids]

Is there anything else not typically in a newspaper you would add in?

Wednesday, 3 November 2010

Final Idea

Final idea

Main story
There is a huge snow storm one night and because of this the next day there is 7 inches of snow and there is no buses and trains working, there is the worst recorded school attendance for years and lots of businesses are not able to open, there is shortages of grit and huge complaints to the government about the accidents caused by not having grid.


There will be a big picture on the front page of the snow and also 2 small pictures to break up the writing. At the top I will have the name of my newspaper 'Dartford Today'


Across the bottom of the page I will have pictures with captions of what are on other pages of the news paper.

Second Page


I will have two small separate stories; one will be about a secondary school in the local area that have raised £5000 for charity doing sponsored activities at school. They have received a special award from the council for their efforts and will have a certificate from the mayor to hang in the school.

The second story will be about a local man in his retirement who got mugged last week outside his home, the youths that attacked this man have been caught although the man in still in hospital he is expected to make a full recovery.


There will be one picture on the side of each story.


There will be advertisements down the side of the page.

Initial Ideas.

Idea 1- Frist page.
Main story
The mayor of Dartford has his house broken into, his mayors robes, gowns, chains and bages are all taken from his house. There will be a special interview with the mayor and his wife about what else was taken and how they feel about the whole thing.
There will be a picture of the mayor and his wife together and also a picture of . At the top i will have the name of my newspaper 'Dartford Today'
Across the bottom of the page i will have pictures with captions of what are on other pages of the news paper.

Second Page
There will be one picture on the side of each story.
There will be advertisments down the side of the page.
Idea 2- First page
Main story
The main story will be about a local woman who is 65 and is the oldest woman in britian to have twins, the story will have an interview with the woman as she tells a reporter how she plans to look after the children herself in her retirement but will think about hiring some help in the future as she becomes less capable herself to take care of the children.
There will be a main picture of the woman holding her children, there will also be seperate pictures of the children. At the top there will be the name of the newspaper 'Dartford Today'
Down the side of the page there will be advertisements of shops, resturaunts ect.

Newspaper analysis

When i first started researching i cut out some articals to analyse them and see what was typically in a newspaper, the newspaper i used was a local one so this gave me a good idea of that type of articals would look good in my own newpaper.

Below i looked at some very sucsessful newspapers to get an idea of the layout.

  • The main heading is in the corner so you can recognise straight away what newspaper it is.

  • Main image, relevent to story and eye catching.

  • smaller picture, breakes up writing and keeps people interested.

  • white writing on black background stands out and big bold writing.

  • Smaller story in the corner.

  • The newspaper heading in big bold letters so that you know what the newspaper is straight away.

  • Main story heading top of the page and bold writing.

  • Big picture in the middle as main focus of the front page.

  • Main story split into two sections, this will keep the readers more interested

Poster Research

I think The Sun has created there poster this way to stand out the main features of there newspaper, by listing what they have in there paper and making it stand out that you can get all of this for 30p.

At the bottom of the poster they have put there logo, by having the logo as the only coloured part it makes it stand out. They have used the same logo that you would find on the newspaper so it is recognisable to people that the poster is for there newspaper.

I think the way they have done this is very clever because it is unique and stands out, they have been able to list all that they have in there newspaper with out making it look like a boring list by turning it into a receipt. If I looked at this poser i would be interested and read it. I will take all this into consideration when doing my own poser and try and make it clever and have the logo so people can recognise it is my company.

This poster is for The Guardian newspaper, unlike the Sun poster this has alot of colour on it, this makes the poster stand out alot and

grabs your attention to make you want to read more.
The main words used repeatedly in this poser are fact and opinion, The Guardian is a more interlectual news paper so by using these words it is advertising the fact this is what there newspaper is about unlike the sun where they advertise that they also have celebrity news holiday adverts and savings ect.
The poster is simple witch means when somebody starts reading they wont get bored and stop reading they have writing a small paragraph in the middle advertising what there newspapers about.
I like the way it is very colourful and simple and will try and use this in my own poster.