Wednesday 3 November 2010

Initial Ideas.

Idea 1- Frist page.
Main story
The mayor of Dartford has his house broken into, his mayors robes, gowns, chains and bages are all taken from his house. There will be a special interview with the mayor and his wife about what else was taken and how they feel about the whole thing.
There will be a picture of the mayor and his wife together and also a picture of . At the top i will have the name of my newspaper 'Dartford Today'
Across the bottom of the page i will have pictures with captions of what are on other pages of the news paper.

Second Page
There will be one picture on the side of each story.
There will be advertisments down the side of the page.
Idea 2- First page
Main story
The main story will be about a local woman who is 65 and is the oldest woman in britian to have twins, the story will have an interview with the woman as she tells a reporter how she plans to look after the children herself in her retirement but will think about hiring some help in the future as she becomes less capable herself to take care of the children.
There will be a main picture of the woman holding her children, there will also be seperate pictures of the children. At the top there will be the name of the newspaper 'Dartford Today'
Down the side of the page there will be advertisements of shops, resturaunts ect.

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