Wednesday 3 November 2010

Newspaper analysis

When i first started researching i cut out some articals to analyse them and see what was typically in a newspaper, the newspaper i used was a local one so this gave me a good idea of that type of articals would look good in my own newpaper.

Below i looked at some very sucsessful newspapers to get an idea of the layout.

  • The main heading is in the corner so you can recognise straight away what newspaper it is.

  • Main image, relevent to story and eye catching.

  • smaller picture, breakes up writing and keeps people interested.

  • white writing on black background stands out and big bold writing.

  • Smaller story in the corner.

  • The newspaper heading in big bold letters so that you know what the newspaper is straight away.

  • Main story heading top of the page and bold writing.

  • Big picture in the middle as main focus of the front page.

  • Main story split into two sections, this will keep the readers more interested

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